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Esoteric Spring Gathering

  • Vessel Studio @ Five Spirit Wellness 1002 7th Avenue Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0 Canada (map)

Join Kim & Tanya fora Esoteric Spring ,Gathering Sunday March 23, 2-4 pm.

We will gather in Ceremony, Build Esoteric Community, Interact with Oracle Cards & Witchy Practices & Enjoy a small Frequency session featuring the ✨GONGS ⭐️ We will celebrate the equal celestial shift of the Sun ☀️ and the 🌘 Moon! Refreshments& Tea served!

Our intention is to build a deeper Esoteric Community in Invermere & CELEBRATE the pivotal shifts in the seasons. Just like our Ancestors before us - we remember our connection to these powerful shift in timelines & seasons.

No registration needed! Just Show Up!

Invermere appointments, we are located behind & below Divine Curiosities. Access to the studio / clinic is currently best served by the alleyway entrance. Please follow the Five Spirit Wellness green logos downs the stairs to get to the basement of the O'Lord building downtown.

March 19

Relax & Renew: Drop-In Noon Class

March 25

Journey Within: A Yoga Nidra Series for Deep Relaxation & Inner Exploration