Join Kim & Tanya fora Esoteric Spring ,Gathering Sunday March 23, 2-4 pm.
We will gather in Ceremony, Build Esoteric Community, Interact with Oracle Cards & Witchy Practices & Enjoy a small Frequency session featuring the ✨GONGS ⭐️ We will celebrate the equal celestial shift of the Sun ☀️ and the 🌘 Moon! Refreshments& Tea served!
Our intention is to build a deeper Esoteric Community in Invermere & CELEBRATE the pivotal shifts in the seasons. Just like our Ancestors before us - we remember our connection to these powerful shift in timelines & seasons.
No registration needed! Just Show Up!
Invermere appointments, we are located behind & below Divine Curiosities. Access to the studio / clinic is currently best served by the alleyway entrance. Please follow the Five Spirit Wellness green logos downs the stairs to get to the basement of the O'Lord building downtown.