Tap into your unique cosmic blueprint with the power of ancient medicine & frequency

What we do …

We combine Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities with Vibrational Sound Therapy to amplify healing potential. Acupuncture, cupping & moxibustion can be enhanced with sound bowls, Acutonics tuning forks, chimes & gongs to provide holistic care to both the physical body and the mental-emotional body as well. We want to provide individualized care to each client for their specific health needs and work hand-in-hand to achieve results.

Individual offerings & investments

This session we will go over a detailed history of your health concerns and come up with a strategy and treatment plan. Your initial consultation will include your first acupuncture treatment & sound therapy session where we use 5 element theory and Acutonics to move any blockages to your energy and provide a gentle reset to your system.

75 mins | $155

Initial Consultation

Follow up treatment includes a blend of acupuncture, sound therapy and other modalities needed as per your treatment plan. We use 5-element theory to target your specific constitution to really understand the disharmonies going on in the body and spirit. We use Acutonics to provide a soundscape of healing vibrations to target specific health concerns.

50 mins | $133

Follow up

Follow up plus

This Follow up Plus treatment includes a blend of acupuncture, sound therapy and other modalities needed as per your treatment plan. The Plus allows extra time to do a front and back of body treatment which can really help to bring things into balance and treat yourself to additional self care. We use 5-element theory to target your specific constitution to really understand the disharmonies going on in the body and spirit. We use Acutonics to provide a soundscape of healing vibrations to target specific health concerns.

75 mins | $155

Quantum Planetary Attunements

Tap into your innate wisdom using the 8 Extraordinary Vessels to remember your cosmic blueprint or souls purpose. Using the the Fibonacci sequence the treatment is done with a meditative rhythm 8 x 8 or 64 times escalating closer and closer to the golden ratio. The Fibonacci sequence is found in all of nature from the petals of flowers leaves on stems to the whorls of the pine cone. This treatment features a beautiful tuning fork set that builds from low to high frequency.

45 mins | $111

Acutonics uses ancient Chinese medicine in combination with sound therapy to target meridians & energy pathways in the body. This non-invasive method uses frequency tuned tuning forks that have been calibrated to the frequency of the planets & mother earth. The use of gongs, chimes, rattles, drums, crystal & Tibetan bowls are encompassed in this offering.

50 mins | $133

The Fibonacci sequence

Private Cosmic Gong Sound Immersions are Available upon request in both locations