Clinic open in

Invermere BC

Home-based clinic in Bragg Creek

Our team

Kim Dick, R.Ac, Dr. Ac (AB), BN, AcutonicsPractitioner

Five Spirit Wellness was alchemized by Kim Dick after attending Traditional Chinese Medicine school and integrating Eastern medicine into her daily life. Coming from the Western medicine world, Kim worked as a hospice & psychiatric nurse helping people pass through the realms and deal with disorders of the spirit here on Mother Earth. Her mind blossomed after learning about “Wu Xing” or 5 Elements acupuncture as her connection to the Earth element flourished with the ancient wisdom. Encountering Acutonics in 2022, her Corporeal soul knew she had to follow the path that combined frequency, archetypes, meridian channel theory, sacred geometry, and esoteric foundations together. As her relationship with sound frequency deepened, the gongs called out to her from the void space or “Wu Qi”, and she has a plethora of planetary frequency beings as well as some gorgeous multi-tonal instruments in her care. Currently she is embarking on a journey of marrying acupuncture and sound in both intimate one-on-one settings and within groups featuring cosmic gong sound immersions. Kim resides humbly between Bragg Creek, Alberta and Invermere, British Columbia in Canada – allowing her to keep a deep connection with both the land and the animals. Ancient beings grace her presence often and her relationship to the flora and fauna of both places is held sacred in her heart. Her earthly credentials include: Registered Acupuncturist, Acutonics® Practitioner, Dr. of Acupuncture (AB), Bachelor of Nursing. Meeting her divine higher spirit she was gifted the knowledge that she is here to ground and hold space in service to all beings while they tap into their own healing frequency and potential.

Email Kim Dick

Karla Muzyka, Reiki Master/Teacher, Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Akashic Records

I have gathered tools along my path, to help me through the experience of living.

I choose to share my gifts and these practices with others in hopes that we all be freed from our suffering.

I believe that if we connect back to the highest version of ourselves and allow the powers greater than us to guide us, that we will live in the flow of beauty, truth, love and joy.

I believe that the medicine we seek is not something we get from another. It is within us... sometimes we need support to find our way back to balance so that we may access our innate healing. 


REIKI Energy Healing : I trained with Marianne Goetsch, level 1 to Master/teacher levels. 

I was honoured also to study with one of her teachers, Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto of Japan, with whom I studied Komyo Reiki Ryoho where I was accredited as a Master teacher also.

YOGA:  200 hr/YTT with Ally Bogard of Gaiatri Yoga. The focus of this training was beyond physical with deep energetic expansion. I taught for 6 years in Edmonton in various studios and in my home based studio until moving away from Edmonton when I moved more to stillness teachings.

YOGA NIDRA : My YTT stirred curiosity within me about the depths of being, and a desire to deepen my exploration of consciousness, which lead me to advanced studies in Yoga Nidra with Tanis Fishman. I learned through direct experience the how truly magnificent we as humans are. I have focused my teachings in stillness for over 10 years. 

CIRCLE: It is clear to me that humans need to be seen, be heard and be acknowledged in order to release the pain and traumas from within.  I began offering moon circles and women's share circles and they have evolved over time into intuitively guided sacred space where we utilize ritual and various practices from my "medicine bag" for awareness and healing. In circle I see myself in each woman who connects and I fall more in love each time. I have been holding circle for over 15 years with intention and devotion. 

AKASHIC RECORDS: I trained with Amor Luz Pangilinan certified akashic record consultant out of Akashic Knowing, level 1, level 2 and expanded studies. I have read for hundreds of people virtually from all over the world, channeling their records to support their path & purpose

Karla’s website:

Marinela Seremetkoska, R.Ac, Dr. Ac.

Marinela is a licensed Doctor of Acupuncture practicing Chinese Medicine ,she has over ten years of experience as a clinician  and an educator . Her personal experience in benefiting from this type of care had led her to value, more deeply, the art of assisting clients with their wellness needs. 

She was trained in using modalities such as; acupuncture, acupressure, fire cupping, electro acupuncture, sound therapy- Acutonics and traditional herbal formulas. Over the past three years she has been fortunate to have the opportunity to practice in assisting within different areas of concern for her clients: connective and muscle tissue related injuries, skin care and facialrejuvenation techniques, women’s health pre and post menopause , mental and emotional well being , amongst other health concerns, within the scope of her modalities.

Over the years she has been exposed to different types of breathwork, and for about 5 years a dedicated Numa Breathwork student, by completing Foundational Numa Breathwork training as well as Hakomi influenced somatic workshops.

She is passionate about sharing her acquired knowledge and experience in this field, while she remains interested in her own personal growth.

She appreciates and enjoys each interaction she gets to be a part of with her clients, as she understands that there are dynamics playing out beyond the nature of what every situation presents itself to be. Therefore, in her approach to treating and treatment of any kind, she involves herself in ways that honor the individual.

“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.”

-Lao Tzu

Contact Five Spirit Wellness today