Join Kim Dick & Tanya Hopson im May during a withcy workshop afternoon. Build a Witch Orb or Satchel for your home & infuse it with herbals, botanicals, crystals, minerals, intentions & frequency. Each participant gets to build a glass orb or burlap satchel that they can feature in their home. Tanya will offer wisdom on the available crystals & their properties. Kim will offer wisdom on available herbs/botanicals/minerals & their historical meanings. YOU blend your own ingredients to create something that is UNIQUE to YOU!. Tea & refreshments served. Gather in esoteric community with us this spring.
Investment $55 per person. Room for 12 participants.
Invermere workshops, we are located behind & below Divine Curiosities. Access to the studio / clinic is currently best served by the alleyway entrance. Please follow the Five Spirit Wellness green logos downs the stairs to get to the basement of the O'Lord building downtown.